Serengeti National Park Travel Guide

2024-01-17 | Published By: Bold Himalaya

Located within Tanzania there's a place that captures the essence of beauty. The Serengeti National Park boasts plains that seem to stretch where the sky seamlessly blends with the horizon. Here wildlife thrives in its vibrant state. This sanctuary is a haven where time appears to stand amidst horizons, rolling grasslands, and a symphony of animals. 

This renowned landscape stretches over an area of 14,750 kilometers. Showcases diverse ecosystems that provide valuable insights into the intricate interplay of life. The Serengeti, acknowledged as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979 AD symbolizes the coexistence of cultures and is much more, than just a destination, for witnessing the Great Migration or encountering magnificent creatures like the Big Five. It's a narrative that unfolds through the plains with every sunrise and sunset.

Wildlife Inside Serengeti

The Serengeti National Park is an example of the diverse wildlife found in its different ecosystems. It is home, to a variety of species that make this African savannah their residence. Let us explore some insights into the captivating wildlife that thrives in this park.

Big Five:

The park is famous, for being to the Big Five, which includes elephants, lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, and Cape buffaloes. Visitors have chances to see these animals up close during game drives. You might witness elephants trumpeting across the plains lions lazily basking in the sunlight elusive leopards gracefully resting on tree branches well, and the impressive presence of rhinos and buffaloes.

Cheetahs and Other Predators:

The park is a sanctuary, for cheetahs renowned for their speed and agility when hunting. There are spotted hyenas, wild dogs, and elusive servals that add to the varied predator community. This creates an equilibrium, within the ecosystem.

Giraffes, Zebras, and Antelopes:

The Serengeti's expansive grasslands are blessed with the presence of giraffes as they stretch their necks to reach the leaves of acacia trees. Zebras, with their captivating white stripes and a variety of antelope species, like impalas, elands, and topics contribute to a landscape as they wander across the savannah.


The park is a bird lover's dream, hosting more than 500 species of birds. From lilac-breasted rollers to raptors, like eagles and vultures, the Serengeti provides fantastic birdwatching experiences all year round.

Elephant Families:

The vast plains of Serengeti are home, to herds of elephants, who display behaviors and share strong bonds within their families. Observing these creatures as they move together or enjoy a bath, in mud pits is truly mesmerizing.

Nocturnal Wildlife:

After the sun goes down the Serengeti unveils its residents. Animals such, as aardvarks, bat-eared foxes, and different species of owls awaken providing a glimpse, into the park's ecosystem.

Activities to do inside Serengeti National Park

Observe the Great Migration

One of the experiences you can have in Serengeti National Park is witnessing the incredible phenomenon known as the Great Migration. This natural spectacle unfolds across the plains of the Serengeti spanning months each year. It showcases the journey of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles as they traverse the land in search of grazing areas and water sources. 

The adventure begins with a season, from January to March in the part of Serengeti when newborns bring life to the plains. As June approaches and dry conditions prevail these herds embark on their northward voyage crossing rivers like Grumeti and Mara. These crossings are filled with suspense as animals face water while dealing with lurking crocodiles and opportunistic predators. The sight of animals in motion raising clouds of dust behind them creates a mesmerizing display—a true symphony representing survival instincts, at play. Planning a safari during these migration phases offers an opportunity to witness firsthand the scale of these herds witness thrilling river crossings and marvel at the strategic prowess displayed by predators.

For photographers, this offers a chance to capture mesmerizing moments amidst the landscapes of Serengeti. Beyond a spectacle, the Great Migration provides valuable insights into the complex interplay of life, survival, and adaptation. It serves as a connection, to the timeless rhythms of nature leaving an impression of its immense power, resilience, and eternal cycle.

Ride a Hot Air Balloon

To experience the view of the park nothing compares to taking an air safari. It offers a bird's eye perspective of the Serengeti that will leave you in awe. Drifting gracefully above the savannah the Serengeti unveils its beauty; rolling landscapes bathed in the glow of sunrise expansive plains stretching as far as the eye can see and winding waterways shimmering like ribbons, in the morning light. The gentle hum of the balloon burners provides a contrast to the peacefulness that surrounds this adventure allowing for an uninterrupted connection with nature's magnificence.

From this position, you'll witness African wildlife freely roaming below creating a mesmerizing symphony of life. Herds of elephants traverse trails, their magnificent silhouettes casting shadows on the awakening land. Lions leisurely lounge beneath acacia trees their regal poses signifying their dominance over the savannah. Graceful giraffes delicately graze on treetops while zebras and wildebeest move together in rhythm, across the plains. Each creature contributes to the living masterpiece that's Serengetis landscape etching a scene into your memory that lingers long after your adventure concludes.

Visit The Moru Kopjes

Exploring the Moru Kopjes, in Serengeti National Park reveals a blend of history and vibrant wildlife. These magnificent granite formations, scattered as guardians across the plains stand as enduring symbols of the evolution of the region. As you journey through the landscapes of the Serengeti the Moru Kopjes emerge as captivating landmarks that create a contrast to the vast grasslands. These impressive rock formations, shaped by time and natural elements provide a haven for animals creating a sanctuary within the expansive savannah. The interconnected boulders and intricate rock mazes offer refuge to leopards stealthily navigating their way through these paths while lions often choose these elevated points to bask in their majestic authority and survey their kingdom. The kopjes also serve as watering spots attracting a mix of wildlife. From elephants quenching their thirst to nimble klipspringers gracefully leaping across rocks. For those intrigued by history exploring the Moru Kopjes goes beyond witnessing wildlife; it unveils rock paintings and archaeological sites that unveil glimpses of past inhabitant's cultural heritage. Revealing traditions and stories engraved on these weathered stones.

Exploring the Moru Kopjes is not, about observing formations; it's a captivating expedition through history, where we learn about the interconnections, between geology, wildlife, and human stories.

Visit The Olduvai Gorge

Olduvai Gorge spanning 300 miles is a site situated between the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater. It holds significance and is often referred to as the "Cradle of Mankind." This natural wonder offers a captivating glimpse, into the history of humanity revealing the journey of Homo sapiens evolution. Over the years geological processes have shaped this gorge creating layers that preserve an extraordinary account of human evolution and remnants from millions of years ago. Exploring Olduvai Gorge feels like embarking on a time-traveling adventure. Accompanied by guides and researchers visitors can walk through paths of discovery witnessing groundbreaking excavations that have revealed fossilized remains, tools, and artifacts. These remarkable findings include milestones in our understanding of our lineage such as Australopithecus and Homo habilis remains. To enhance this experience further an on-site museum provides interpretations and exhibits that bridge the gap, between prehistoric eras and our modern human existence. Exploring the Olduvai Gorge is not just an adventure; it's an experience that reminds us of our position, in the grand tapestry of life and instills a profound admiration, for the resilience our species has shown.

Learn About The Maasai Culture

Immersing yourself in the Maasai culture amidst the landscapes of Serengeti National Park provides a deep insight into a traditional lifestyle rooted in a wealth of heritage and respected traditions. 

The Maasai people are well known for their strength, way of life, and deep connection, to the land. They greet visitors with warmth and hospitality. Exploring Maasai villages allows you to experience their way of life firsthand. The Maasai dress in striking attire adorned with beadwork and colorful shukas. Through dance, music, and storytelling they share their traditions with visitors. You can immerse yourself in the chants and lively dances that reflect the heartbeat of their community while learning about customs, ceremonies, and the symbiotic relationship between the Maasai people and the land they inhabit. Interacting with Maasai elders goes beyond performances as it offers insights into their beliefs, cattle-rearing practices, and how they coexist harmoniously with the wildlife surrounding their villages. Engaging in activities such as spear throwing or learning beadwork techniques can give you an understanding of the Maasai's respect for their heritage and the natural world around them. This cultural exchange goes beyond observation; it fosters an appreciation for the resilience of the Maasai people their enduring traditions and their harmonious bond, with Serengeti's untamed landscapes.


Serengeti National Park provides a selection of lodging options that cater to preferences and budgets guaranteeing a cozy and enjoyable stay, in the wilderness.

Luxury Lodges:

Serengeti National Park's luxurious lodges provide an extravagant safari experience in the middle of nature. With their verandas or decks offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, these lodges, set against gorgeous backgrounds, provide spacious and tastefully decorated suites or private villas. Personalized services that attend to each guest's demands, gourmet dining experiences that showcase local and foreign cuisine, infinity pools, spas with revitalizing treatments, and personalized services are all common features of the lodgings. Elegant architecture, first-rate service, and a tasteful fusion of safari adventure and opulent comfort are characteristics of luxury lodges such as Singita Sasakwa Lodge and Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti.

Tented Camps:

Tented campgrounds offer upscale amenities along with the charm of classic camping. These camps, which are tucked away in tranquil settings, provide tastefully decorated tents with private verandas to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, cozy bedding, and en suite bathrooms with hot showers. Gourmet dinners are provided beneath starry skies at the campgrounds, where guests may enjoy exceptional dining experiences. A seamless and unforgettable stay is guaranteed by the attentive personnel. Camps like Nomad Serengeti Safari Camps and &Beyond Serengeti Under Canvas are good examples of how to combine luxury and real safari experiences.

Mid-range Camps and Lodges:

Mid-range accommodations are ideal, for travelers who want a stay without breaking the bank. These camps and lodges provide rooms or tents with all the amenities like comfortable beds, private bathrooms, and welcoming common areas. Guests can enjoy meals infused with flavors and take part in guided safari activities led by experienced guides. For instance, places like Kati Kati Tented Camp and Serengeti Sopa Lodge offer a combination of affordability and top-notch service, amidst the landscapes of the park.

Best Time to Explore Serengeti National Park

In terms of wildlife sightings, weather, and unique experiences, the ideal time to visit Serengeti National Park typically depends on individual interests. All the seasons and their highlights are broken down here:

Dry Season (June to October):

The period, from June to October known as the season is a time for spotting wildlife and engaging in adventurous activities. During this time when vegetation is scarce and animals gather around water sources going on game drives provides opportunities to witness the Big Five and the iconic Great Migration. Specifically from June to September the Mara River crossings during the migration offer thrilling scenes of survival and predators searching for prey. The weather during this season tends to be cooler and drier making safaris comfortable; however, mornings and nights may have a chill, in the air.

Wet Season (November to May):

During the season, which spans from November to May the Serengeti transforms a verdant and vibrant landscape. The park thrives under the nourishing rains resulting in greenery and blooming wildflowers that adorn the plains. This period is particularly enchanting for photography enthusiasts and bird aficionados as it presents a backdrop filled with bird species and picturesque scenery offering endless opportunities to capture mesmerizing photographs. Additionally from January to March the southern Serengeti becomes a hub for a phenomenon known as the calving season. During this time hundreds of thousands of wildebeest give birth attracting predators and unveiling the intensity of life and death in its form, amidst nature's untamed beauty.

A Factor to Consider:

  • Crowds: 

The dry season is more popular and usually attracts more tourists, particularly during the July to August peak months. Less traveler traffic means a more tranquil experience and possibly lower lodging costs during the rainy season.