Things You Should Know Before Going to Visit Tanzania

2024-01-17 | Published By: Bold Himalaya

Tanzania is a nation that showcases scenery, a rich cultural legacy, and a wealth of wildlife. If you're considering visiting this captivating destination it's essential to familiarize yourself with information, about the country. From visa requirements to customs here's a comprehensive guide to assist you in preparing for your trip, to Tanzania.

Application Process of Visa on Arrival

The usual process, for obtaining a visa upon arrival generally involves below mentioned steps.

  • Check Eligibility:

Please verify if your nationality is eligible, for a visa on arrival in Tanzania. Typically individuals from African Union member states, Commonwealth member states, East African Community (EAC) member states, and several other countries are qualified to obtain a visa upon arrival in Tanzania. However please note that the list of countries may undergo changes. Therefore it is advisable to consult the website of the government or contact the embassy/consulate for up-to-date information.

  • Arrival at Designated Entry Points:

You can usually get a visa upon arrival, at the airports land border crossings, and seaports in Tanzania. In Tanzania they typically have visa-on-arrival services at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) in Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) in Arusha, and Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (ZNZ), Zanzibar. Just make sure you enter through one of these specified entry points.

  • Documentation:

You will need the following documents and items, for your travel;

1. A passport that is valid for six more months.

2. You must complete a visa application form, which can be obtained at the entry point.

3. Carry passport-size photographs with you.

4. Make sure you have a flight itinerary 

5. Provide proof of hotel reservation or accommodation arrangements.

6. Have funds to cover your expenses during your stay whether in cash or other forms of payment.

  • Application Form:

Please complete the visa application form, which is usually obtainable upon arrival. Make sure to provide truthful information regarding your intended stay, in Tanzania.

  • Paying the Visa Fee;

Please go to the designated counters to pay for your visa. The charge may vary based on your nationality and the type of visa you require. It is advised that you have the cash in US dollars.

  • Verification and Processing;

Present your documents, which include the completed application form, passport, and payment receipt to the immigration officers for verification. They will then process your application.

  • Issuing of Visa;

Your passport will receive a visa stamp after your application is approved.

  • Entering Tanzania;

Once you have received your visa you are permitted to enter Tanzania. Please note that a visa, on arrival, typically has a duration of validity so it's important to check its expiration date.

Online Visa Application Process for Tanzania

Applying for the Tanzania visa is an easy process. Just follow these steps;

  • Log On to the Tanzania EVisa website.

Once you're there you'll have three options to choose from;

Start an application.

Continue with an existing application.

Check your visa status.

Click on "New Application" to begin the process.

Next, you must provide basic information which includes your email address, passport number, passport issue country, etc.

  • Fill out the Tanzania Visa Application Form

After that, you have to fill out the application for a visa. There are five sections on the visa application:

1 Private data.

2 Name, Address, and Job Title

3 Details about a passport.

4 Travel information.

Five traveling partners.

Make sure you read over each area, finish it all, and enter the right information.

  • Upload Your Documents

Once you have finished filling out the "Travel companions" section of the application form it's important to upload the documents. This includes scanning and uploading a copy of your passport, a passport photo, and your flight tickets.

  • Pay The Visa Fee

Afterwards, it is necessary for you to carefully go through the declaration and proceed with the payment of the visa fee. You have the option to conveniently make the payment using the payment portal.

  • Submit Your Application

Initially, you will receive an email confirming your submission of the application. After your visa has been processed you will receive an email containing the attached visa document which is necessary for you to download and print your Tanzania visa.

If in case your application is rejected they will send you an email stating reasons why they rejected your application.

Vaccinations for Immunity

There are several health precautions you should take before departing for your safari in Tanzania. Tanzania's tropical climate favors germs, plants, and animals that are unknown to most tourists. Knowing which immunity injections need to be given prior to travel is a good idea. Prior to visiting the African continent, it is generally advised to get a few immunizations administered.


Yellow Fever


Hepatitis A



It is advisable to have these vaccinations at least three months prior to your trip, and you can conveniently get them at the closest clinic.

Currency Exchanges

Tanzanian Shillings are the country's official currency. The Tanzanian shilling (TZS) is the currency used in Tanzania. In large cities, major currencies including the US dollar, the British pound, and the euro can be easily exchanged, primarily through Bureau de changers. When changing money, a bank takes longer than a bureau de change.

Most establishments will give you a cheap, fixed price (somewhere won't buy them). Many banks, including Standard Chartered Banks, CRDB, National Bank of Commerce (NBC), FMBE, EXIM, and Barclays Banks, have ATMs across the country where you can withdraw cash from your VISA or MasterCard accounts. Large hotels, motels, and travel agencies are the only establishments that take credit cards.

Drinking Water

It's crucial to keep in mind that the tap water, in that area is not safe for consumption. It is advised to use it for showering and handwashing meaning you should refrain from using it for brushing your teeth. To ensure health and avoid any issues it's always recommended to use distilled or bottled water when brushing your teeth staying hydrated and even cooking.

Luckily bottled water is readily available and reasonably priced at establishments such, as stores, resorts, motels, restaurants, and coffee shops. Additionally, if you plan to go on a safari or take a tour make sure to bring along two or three bottles of water to stay properly hydrated while being exposed to the sun.

Tipping Etiquette

Tipping customs in Tanzania do not follow a protocol. It's important to keep in mind that most people working in the service industry earn very little and rely on tips to supplement their income. For guides, it is customary to give a tip of USD $10 15, per day while the driver, cook and porters on an overland safari should also receive a few dollars each. In restaurants, it is considered appropriate to leave around 10% of the bill as a tip. As, for taxis rounding up the fare is a kind gesture that shows your appreciation.


Africa is home, to 2,000 languages accounting for about one-third of all languages worldwide. This linguistic diversity is the result of millions of years of evolution and the various environmental factors that have shaped the continent (Source). Tanzania in particular boasts 26 languages. Fret not English is, among them widely spoken.

Cultural Etiquette

When you visit Tanzania it's crucial to understand and respect their etiquette. Here are a few tips to keep in mind;

  • Greetings;

Greetings hold significance in Tanzanian culture. When meeting someone it's customary to shake hands and say "Jambo" or "Habari." It's also common to inquire about each other well well-being, before delving into topics.

  • Appropriate Dressing

People, in Tanzania typically prefer modest dressing in rural regions and when visiting religious places. It's advisable to avoid wearing clothes that are too revealing and consider covering your knees and shoulders.

  • No shoes while indoor

As a sign of respect and cleanliness, it is customary to take off your shoes when entering someone's home.

  • Use Right Hand

In Tanzanian culture, the right hand is regarded as cleaner, than the hand. It is customary to use your hand for greetings exchanging items and eating.

  • Respecting Religious Diversity; 

Tanzania is known for its landscape with a significant Muslim and Christian population. It is important to show respect, for rituals and customs especially when visiting places of worship and during prayer times.

  • Considerate Photography; 

When taking pictures in areas always seek permission from the individuals involved. It is crucial to honor their preferences as some people believe that a photograph can capture their essence.