Kailash Mansarovar Lake Tour

2023-02-19 | Published By: Bold Himalaya

Mount Kailash, located in the remote corner of western Tibet, is truly a sublime treasure and is considered one of the holiest places on earth. It is a majestic pyramid of rock and snow that has been revered for thousands of years. Many religions consider the mountain sacred, including Hindus, Buddhists, Bonpo, and Jains.

It is known as the "Navel of the Earth" and is believed to be where the divine takes an earthly form. Pilgrims from all over the world travel to Mount Kailash to pay reverence to its mystery and complete the Parikrama or Kora, an ancient ritual of devotion.

Completing the Parikrama is believed to absolve one of their sins and bring blessings of divinity and purity. The Parikrama is a 52-km trek that takes three days to complete and is done in a clockwise direction. The trek to Mount Kailash takes you through some surreal canyons with breathtaking landscapes.

One of the journey's highlights is taking a holy dip in Lake Mansarovar, considered the highest freshwater lake in the world. The lake is believed to have healing powers, and taking a dip in it is considered purifying for the soul. As the pilgrims complete the Parikrama, they experience a spiritual revelation as they reach the lofty pass of Dolma La.

The pass offers a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and is an unforgettable experience. It is the highest point of the journey at an altitude of 5,638m and is considered both the physical and emotional high point.

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Lake Tour, Kailash Yatra, Tibet Tour

History of Mount Kailash Mansarovar 

Mt. Kailash is considered the center of the world according to ancient texts. This snow-clad rock pyramid is located in a remote corner of western Tibet and is revered as a sacred site by many religions. Its significance is not just limited to its religious importance but also its geographical location.

Within a 30-mile radius of Mt. Kailash, the sources of four major rivers - Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Karnali are located. This makes it a sacred site not just for religious reasons but also for its ecological significance. Hinduism reveres Mt. Kailash as the abode of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is the god of destruction and regeneration and is considered one of the most powerful deities in the Hindu pantheon.

Lord Shiva is believed to reside at the mountain's summit with his consort Parvati and their two sons, Ganesha and Kartikeya. According to Jain texts, Rishabhadeva, the founder of Jainism, attained liberation from rebirth at Mount Kailash. Jains consider Mount Kailash a place of pilgrimage and the site of Rishabhadeva's enlightenment.

Jains also consider Mt. Kailash a sacred site and call it Mount Asthapad. Buddhists also consider Mt. Kailash a sacred site and believe it is the home of the bodhisattva Demchog, who represents supreme bliss. The Bonpo, an ancient Tibetan religion, also considers Mt. Kailash a sacred site and believes it is the home of the sky goddess Sipaimen.

Secrets and Mysteries of Kailash Mansarovar

Mount Kailash, located in western Tibet, is a holy location revered by numerous faiths, including Buddhism, Bon, Hinduism, and Jainism. Jains believe it to be where their ancestor Rishabhanatha attained enlightenment; for Hindus, it is the home of Shiva and the geographic center of the earth.

For Bönpo devotees, it is a nine-story swastika mountain that possesses enormous spiritual power, and for Tibetan Buddhists, it is the home of Cakrasamvara, who is said to symbolize limitless pleasure.

There isn't any concrete proof for the countless claims of miracles, mysteries, and secrets connected to Kailash Mansarovar. The 14 mysteries and secrets compiled here could help us understand this unique location better.

  • Some people believe that Mount Kailash is a powerful energy center connected to mystical sites and forms the global energy grid system, connecting with sites such as the Pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, Easter Island, Stonehenge, and the North Pole. According to some scientists, time spent in the Kailash range can accelerate the body's aging process due to its alleged energy vortex, with some reporting accelerated hair and fingernail growth equivalent to two weeks after only 12 hours in the area.

  • Mount Kailash is believed to be the prototype of Mount Meru, the world center in both Hinduism and Buddhism and according to legend, the residence of the gods.

  • At the foot of Mount Kailash are two lakes, Mansarovar Lake and Rakshastal Lake, representing the Yin and Yang principles, respectively. Mansarovar, a freshwater lake, embodies light, while Rakshastal, a saltwater lake, represents darkness, with the two separated by a thin strip of land shaped like the sun and the moon, respectively.

  • The shadow of the Kailash Himalaya resembles the face of Shiva, a Hindu god associated with destruction and transformation, as seen in satellite imagery. Many describe the mountain's shadow as the smiling face of the deity.

  • Despite its height, nobody has successfully climbed to the top of Mount Kailash except for one Buddhist monk named Milarepa, according to legend.

  • Attempts to climb the mountain have resulted in mysterious deaths, with a team of scientists who received advice from a Tibetan Lama suffering four fatalities within a year or two. The belief is that climbing the mountain could anger the gods.

  • On Mount Kailash, there is a large cross-shaped mark created by a groove and a gouge. The groove is said to have been made by a snake wrapped around the waist of Shiva, while the gouge was created during a fight between Milarepa and Naro Bönchung for control of Kailash Mansarovar.

  • Scientists have discovered that the top of Mount Kailash is a man-made vacuum pyramid with over 100 smaller pyramids, which could be larger than any known pyramid, including the Egyptian pyramids.

  • Some believe that an advanced civilization used unknown knowledge of energy and time to create the Kailash pyramid complex, known as the Kailash Pyramids miracle.

  • Looking at Kailash Mountain from the southern ridge reveals an awe-inspiring sight. The mountain's ice trough and rock formations create the sacred Hindu OM (ॐ) symbol, an ancient sound and spiritual icon.

  • Kailash Himalaya is believed to be the abode of deities and bodhisattvas who store their divine knowledge and enlightenment in the mountain's special form of energy, according to Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions.

  • Kailash Mansarovar, a holy lake near Kailash Mountain, is the origin of four major rivers in Asia: the Indus River, Ganges, Sutlej River, and Brahmaputra. These rivers flow in different directions and eventually merge into the Indian Ocean thousands of miles away.

  • According to legend, the Kailash range area contains two underground cities, Shambhala and Agartha, representing advanced human civilization branches, with Shambhala coming from the Gobi Desert and Agartha from the Himalayas, both of which have fascinated many explorers and adventurers.

Major Attractions / The Reasons to Travel Kailash

Manasarovar Yatra is a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, a peak in the Kailash range located in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China. The Yatra attracts pilgrims from all around the world due to its unique holy landscape, and the following are the five reasons why it is an essential trip that should not be missed:

Exceptional Sacred Scenery

Mount Kailash is known as the Axis Mundi of Earth, which means it sits at the intersection of heaven and Earth. It is the most revered cosmic axis in the Indian subcontinent, surrounded by six different mountain ranges, including the Nandi Parvat. It is believed to be the way to Nirvana.

Multifaith Pilgrimage Destination

The Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is the holiest place on the planet for four major religions, namely Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and the Bon Po people. The pilgrimage allows you to embrace diversity irrespective of your faith, religion, and culture as pilgrims from across the world come together to enjoy the sacred walks through the rough terrain of the Himalayas.

Spiritual Education Hub

The tranquillity of Kailash and Mansarovar makes you understand the true purpose of life and helps you achieve peace of mind. The Mansarovar Lake is located around 20 kilometers from Mount Kailash and has an emerald-green appearance. The Yatra is a school of spiritualism that teaches you the real meaning of self-realization.

Ideal Eco-Tourism Location

Kailash Manasarovar is one of the best eco-tourism spots in the world. It is a perfect destination for nature lovers who enjoy the undiluted tranquillity of the pristine peaks.

The journey starts from Kathmandu, which is one of the most eco-friendly tourist destinations in the world. The Yatra allows you to make your trip through different routes, including Kyirong, Lhasa, and Ali.

Mount Kailash Trekking Adventure

The Kailash trek starts from Yamadwar and ends at Dirapuk, covering a distance of approximately 52 kilometers. The trek is one of the best places in the world to trek, with an imposing 21,778 feet height, and is a sight to behold. The trek allows you to see cliff-top monasteries, caravans of yaks enjoying snow passes, and the western face of Kailash.

The trek leaves the trekkers with a sense of amazement at reaching Darchen, a small town at the base of Mount Kailash. It is important to adhere to trekking safety tips to stay safe and enjoy your trip thoroughly.

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Religious Beliefs

Kailash Mansarovar is a holy site for four major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon. It holds a significant spiritual and religious value for people around the globe. Each religion has its own unique beliefs and traditions associated with Mount Kailash, making it a truly fascinating and sacred place.

Religious Belief of Hinduism

Mount Kailash holds a significant place in Hinduism, as it is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, who resides there with his consort Parvati and other ganas. The mountain is described as having four faces made of crystal, ruby, gold, and alps in the Hindu holy book Vishnu Puraan.

The pilgrimage of Kailash, called Parikrama or Kora, is undertaken by devotees in a clockwise direction starting from the South face. It is believed that doing one Parikrama is equivalent to turning one round of the wheel of life. Hindus consider the mountain as the pillar of the world and believe that the entire universe operates from this place.

Religious Belief in Buddhism

In Buddhism, Mount Kailash is known as Garu Rimpoche, meaning "precious jewel of snow," and a gigantic mandala. It is believed to be the abode of Chakra Samvara and Guru Rinpoche (Padma Sambhava), who brought Buddhism to Tibet and beyond.

According to legend, Mount Kailash represents supreme bliss, and it is the major pilgrimage site in Buddhist traditions. Milarepa, a Buddhist saint, is said to be the only person with a pure soul who could reach the peak of Kailash riding on the sun's rays.

Similar to Hindus, the pilgrimage of Kailash is undertaken by Buddhists in a clockwise direction, starting from Yam Dwar and facing the South face of Kailash.

Religious Beliefs of Jainism

Jainism believes that Rishabhdeva, the first Tiranthkara, attained moksha (liberation from the cycle of life and death) at the mountain Ashtpad next to Kailash. Rishabhdeva came to gain knowledge and wanted to go back, but after being touched by Kailash, he left everything behind and decided to merge with the mountain.

Religious Belief of Bon

The Bon religion believes that Mount Kailash is where their founder, Thonpa Shenrab Miwo, came down from heaven and spread spiritual knowledge. Bon mythology regards the mountain as a nine-story swastika and a seat of spiritual power.

Mount Kailash Mansarovar Tour Facilities

To make the journey comfortable and hassle-free, there are several features and facilities offered by Bold Himalaya. Some of the key features and facilities of the Kailash Mansarovar tour include:


We provide comfortable accommodation in hotels and lodges during the trip. All places you provide at list basic facilities such as clean rooms, hot water, and bedding are provided to ensure a comfortable stay. We provide excellent rooms with attached bathroom accommodations except for Dirapuk and Juthulpuk. On the Dirapuk and Juthulpuk, you will get a comfortable dormitory room with outside toilets 


We provide tourists with standard air-conditioned transportation with proper facilities such as jeeps, and buses depending on group sizes. The vehicles are well-maintained, and experienced drivers are provided to ensure safe and comfortable travel.


We provide nutritious Veg, and non-veg meals and clean drinking water is provided throughout the trip. The food is hygienically prepared and caters to different dietary requirements. The common foods are rice, curry, dal, noodles, varieties of soups, foods with cheese, paratha, fry rice, Thukpa, Thenduk, Pasta, spaghetti,  Muesli, Partridge, and Pancakes with seasonal fruits and vegetables. if you have special restrictions on the food you can mention your requirements. 


We provide experienced and knowledgeable guides who can provide information about the culture, history, and significance of the places visited during the tour.

Medical Facilities:

Medical facilities and first-aid kits are available during the tour in case of any emergency. Oxygen cylinders are also provided to help travelers cope with the high altitude.

Support Staff:

We provide a team of support staff, including porters and helpers, to assist travelers with their luggage and other needs during the trip.

Major Challenges and Their solution on Mount Kailash Mansarovar Tour

The journey to Mt. Kailash is not just a physical journey but also a spiritual one. It holds great significance in people's lives. 

The trek to Mt. Kailash takes place on remote and strenuous routes at high altitudes, and this demands that the pilgrims should be physically fit for parikrama. The trek is also a demanding one that requires adequate preparation and planning.

This guide recognizes the major challenges that pilgrims may face while making the journey to Mt. Kailash addresses them. It provides information and tips on how to prepare for the trek, obtain the necessary permits and visas, and make the necessary arrangements for transportation and supplies.

It also provides information on how to deal with the physical and mental challenges of the trek. The following are the few major challenges for pilgrims to journey to Mt. Kailash.

Tibet Travel Permit

The Tibet Travel Permit, also known as the Tibet Entry Permit, is a mandatory document for all foreign travelers visiting Tibet.  Travelers must follow the current rules and regulations to ensure they have the necessary permit to enter Tibet. The Tibetan government provides a special Tibet Permit for the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra. This permit is required in addition to a Chinese Visa and is mandatory for all foreign travelers visiting Mt. Kailash. Bold Himalayas all manage the necessary permits with mostly ensure they have the necessary permit to enter Tibet.

When planning a journey to Mt. Kailash, it is important to know that the trip takes place in remote areas of Tibet where facilities will be less as compared to lower altitudes, especially for Parikrama.

Parikrama trek takes place in some of the most remote regions of Tibet, where infrastructure and services are limited. This means certain facilities such as network reception, health services, and internet access may sometimes be inaccessible during the journey.

High Altitude Trekking and Weather Conditions

The trek to Mt. Kailash is a challenging journey, and one of the major challenges is high-altitude trekking. The trek is known as the "Kora" and takes place at an average altitude of well above 4000m. This high altitude can bring several health concerns and navigation difficulties for travelers. At high altitudes, the air is thin and contains less oxygen, making physical activities such as trekking more challenging.

The body needs time to adjust to the lack of oxygen, and travelers may experience headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath. In some cases, these symptoms can progress to altitude sickness, which can be dangerous if not treated promptly. High-altitude trekking also brings other challenges, such as navigation difficulties.

The terrain at high altitudes can be rugged, and the weather conditions can be unpredictable. This can make it difficult for travelers to navigate and can increase the risk of accidents. Pilgrims should be well-equipped with necessary trekking gear and should be aware of the terrain and weather conditions.


When planning to visit Tibet, obtaining the Tibet Travel Permit is crucial. Bold Himalaya, specializing in Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, assists in obtaining the permit. To do so, travelers need to submit their personal information and passport details to the agency, which will then apply to the Tibetan Tourism Bureau on their behalf.

It's important to note that the permit is issued based on the availability of the quota, and the process can take anywhere from a week to a month. To avoid any delays or last-minute issues, travelers are advised to plan and apply for the permit well in advance of their trip. Bold Himalaya ensures that its clients receive the necessary support and guidance throughout the process.

Bold Himalaya organizing the journey to Mt. Kailash typically provides their clients with accommodation, transportation, food, and water supplies. However, they cannot guarantee that basic services such as network reception and internet access will be available throughout the journey. This means that travelers should be prepared for not having access to these services during the journey.

Travelers must be aware of these health concerns and navigation difficulties when planning their journey to Mt. Kailash. They should take the necessary precautions to prevent altitude sickness and other health issues, such as gradually acclimatizing to the altitude, drinking enough water, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco.

They should also be well-equipped with necessary trekking gear and have a detailed plan and map of the trek to avoid any navigation difficulties.

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Best time to visit Kailash Mansarovar

The best time to visit Kailash Mansarovar is between May to September, as the weather is generally clear and the temperature is mild, making it the perfect time for trekking and sightseeing. During this period, the temperature ranges from 15-20 degrees Celsius during the day, which is quite pleasant.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the temperature can drop to sub-zero levels at night. During the monsoon season, which begins in June and lasts until August, the region experiences heavy rainfall, which can lead to landslides and road blockages, making it difficult for travelers to reach their destination. This can cause inconvenience and delay for those who have planned their trip during this time.

Additionally, the heavy rainfall can also make trekking difficult and dangerous due to the slippery terrain. Hence, it is recommended to avoid planning a trip to Kailash Mansarovar during the monsoon season. It is important to note that the weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable, and sudden weather changes can occur at any time, even during the peak season.

Therefore, it is advisable to carry appropriate clothing and gear to prepare for any kind of weather condition. It is also recommended to check the weather forecast before planning a trip and to stay updated on any weather warnings issued by the local authorities.

Preparation for Mount Kailash, Mansarovar Tour

The most challenging part of the journey to Mt. Kailash is making the Kora a trek around the mountain. This trek is considered one of the most challenging in the world due to its high altitude, rugged terrain, and unpredictable weather conditions.

The Kora starts at Darchen, the base camp of Mt. Kailash, and takes around two nights and three days to complete. During the Kora, travelers will pass through several challenging passes, the highest being Dolma-la Pass at an altitude of 5630m.

Travelers should be well-equipped with necessary trekking gear such as proper boots, warm clothing, and a good quality sleeping bag. The trek also requires proper planning and preparation, as the terrain is rugged, and the weather conditions can be unpredictable.


The climate is one of the most challenging aspects of the journey to Mt. Kailash. The trek takes place in a remote area of Tibet, where the climate can be harsh and unpredictable. The journey requires travelers to prepare for extreme cold circumstances as they will trek through snow-covered, dry, and windy terrains.

The temperature variations throughout the journey can be significant, ranging from -5 to 25 degrees Celsius. It can get very cold at night, and during the day, if the sun is out, temperatures can rise to around 20 to 25 degrees. Travelers need to pack enough warm clothes for these circumstances.

Despite the routes, at one point or the other, travelers will have to travel on a bus or a jeep, and since you will be traveling in large groups, it will be stuffy inside.

Packing clothes for multiple layers is highly recommended, as it allows travelers to adjust to the changing temperatures and weather conditions.

It is important to pack clothes that are warm yet light and that can be worn in multiple layers.

This includes warm thermal wear, insulated jackets, gloves, hats, and other winter gear. It's also important to pack a good quality sleeping bag and a good quality waterproof and windproof jacket.

Planning the Routes and Best Time

There are three routes for Mount Kailash Mansarovar Lake Tour  

Nepalgunj -Simikot -Hilsa

The Nepalgunj - Simikot - Hilsa route is a popular trekking route to Mt. Kailash. This route can be accessed through Nepal and offers an alternative to the traditional route through Lhasa, Tibet. From Nepalgunj, travelers can take a flight to Simikot, a remote town in the Humla district of Nepal. From Simikot, the trek to Hilsa, a small town on the Nepal-Tibet border, begins. Hilsa is the shortest entry point to get to Mount Kailash Mansarovar in Tibet and where the journey to Mt. Kailash begins to Tibet side.

The trek to Hilsa is considered to be a moderate trek and offers scenic views of the Himalayas. An alternative option to the trek is to take a helicopter from Nepalgunj to Hilsa. This option is quicker and more convenient but is comparatively expensive. Through this route, if you take the helicopter, the trip to Mt. Kailash along with the Kora takes under 11 days. This can be a good option for travelers with limited time and who want to experience the spiritual journey in a shorter time.

Best time to go:

May, June, or September (the monsoon may influence July-August tours)

Kathmandu - Kyirong - Dongba

The Kathmandu - Kyirong - Dongba route is an overland journey to Mt. Kailash. This route can be accessed through Nepal and offers an alternative to the traditional route through Lhasa, Tibet. From Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, travelers can take a bus or a jeep to the border town of Kyirong, located in the Rasuwa district of Nepal.

From Kyirong, the journey continues to Dongba, a small town in Tibet, the last point of entry into Tibet and where the journey to Mt. Kailash begins. The journey from Kathmandu to Dongba will take around 14 days on land cruisers and jeeps until Darchen. This route is considered cheaper than the Simikot-Hilsa route despite taking more days to complete. The journey is less strenuous and offers the opportunity to experience the local culture and way of life in remote areas of Tibet.

Best time to go:

May- September (Depending on road conditions)


The Kathmandu-Tatopani-Manosaroavr route is closed after the earthquake 

Private Helicopter Charter to Hilsa or Kerung 

As per guest needs we provide private helicopter charter services close to Tibet Border Hilsa or Kerung  A private helicopter charter is another option to save time while visiting Mt. Kailash. This option allows you to bypass the drive from Kathmandu to Kerung, and the trek to Hilsa from Nepaljung or Simikot.

Obtaining the Permit/Visa

We do an application process for Indian and non-Indian travelers which is different. According to Chinese government regulations, travelers are required to apply for a permit through a designated travel agency only. The agency will apply on behalf of a group of travelers, as stipulated by Chinese regulations.

As a result, the travel agency determines the travel dates, as they coordinate the applications of multiple individuals to form a large enough group to apply for a group visa. Initially, the travel agencies ask you to complete a booking form to buy a package. If you travel with a large group (the number may vary depending on the agency), you can also request us for a customized trip according to your travel date, group size, and interest.

For Non-Indian travelers traveling to Mount Kailash Mansarovar 

Nepal Non-Indian travelers who are transiting through Nepal to visit Tibet need to provide color scanned copies of their passports to the travel agency, which we will apply for a group visa on their behalf. Visitors can obtain a Nepalese visa upon arrival at Kathmandu Airport. The time frame for the permit to be approved by the Tibetan authorities is not set, but it usually takes 15-20 days.

For Indian travelers traveling to Kailash Mansarovar

Indian travelers who plan to visit Kailash through Nepal must send their original passports to us. We will then apply for a permit on their behalf. Typically, passports will be returned to travelers via courier after the visa is approved. However, Indian citizens do not need passports to travel to Nepal and can use other government-authorized identification like PAN cards. Therefore they can also collect their passports once they reach Nepal.

Age Limit:

The age limit for a Kailash Trip is 10-70 years. People over 70 - 75 must provide a medical certification of fitness and good health to apply.

Packing List for Mount Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Here's a shortened and simplified packing list for a Kailash Mansarovar tour:

  • Body clothes that are comfortable, warm, clean and comfortable and warm hiking shoes to stay warm in cold temperatures.

  • A pair of sandals or slippers for the evening and morning for use in toilets/bathrooms Walking stick to help with the Mount Kailash trek or Kailash Parikrama. Torch or flashlight for areas without electricity. Rain suit or poncho to protect from water and wind.

  • A backpack for personal items, including Toothpaste and brush, Lip balm and sunscreen, Deodorant and perfume, Shampoo sachets, Soap strips, Skin moisturizer, Hair oil, Toilet paper rolls/personal hygiene wipes, and a duffel bag provided by the tour operator for important items.

  • Photocopy of passport in each piece of luggage with complete contact info or personal visiting card.

  • Phones and Cameras with charges and extra storage memory/batteries for photographs.

Major Activities to do in Mount Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Here are some activities you can do during your visit:

Mount Kailash Parikrama:

Mount Kailash Parikrama is a 52-kilometer trek around the holy mountain of Mount Kailash. It is considered a sacred ritual among Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains, who believe that completing the trek will bring them spiritual enlightenment.

Visit Lake Mansarovar: 

Lake Mansarovar is a freshwater lake located at an altitude of 4,590 meters. It is considered one of the holiest lakes in the world and is believed to have healing properties. You can take a dip in the lake or walk around its perimeter.

Explore Tirthapuri Hot Springs: 

The Tirthapuri Hot Springs are located near Mount Kailash and are believed to have healing properties. The water is naturally warm, and many pilgrims take a dip in the springs after completing the Mount Kailash Parikrama.

Visit Chiu Monastery:

The Chiu Monastery is located on a hill overlooking the valley and is a popular stop for pilgrims. The monastery has a beautiful prayer hall and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Attend Saga Dawa Festival:

The Saga Dawa Festival is a month-long festival that takes place in Mansarovar every year. The festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha and includes various rituals, prayers, and processions.

Explore the Town of Darchen: 

Darchen is a small town located near Mount Kailash and is the starting point for Mount Kailash Parikrama. The town has a few shops and restaurants where you can buy souvenirs or sample local cuisine.

Enjoy Scenic Beauty: 

The Mansarovar region is known for its stunning natural beauty. Take some time to enjoy the scenery and take in the views of the mountains, lakes, and valleys. You can also go for a hike or a leisurely walk in the surrounding hills.

Visit the Gyaneshwar Mahadev Temple: 

The Gyaneshwar Mahadev Temple is a popular Hindu temple located near Mansarovar Lake. It is believed that Lord Shiva appeared at this spot and blessed the region with his presence. The temple is decorated with colorful flags and is a popular spot for worship among Hindu devotees.

Explore Purang County: 

Purang County is located near Mansarovar and is known for its ancient ruins and cultural heritage. You can visit the ruins of the Guge Kingdom, which dates back to the 10th century, or explore the nearby villages and learn about the local culture and traditions.

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra: 

The Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is a pilgrimage tour that takes you to some of the most sacred spots in the Mansarovar region. The tour includes a visit to Mount Kailash, Lake Mansarovar, and other important religious sites in the area.

Visit the Milarepa Cave:

The Milarepa Cave is located near the town of Darchen and is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site. It is believed that the famous Tibetan Buddhist saint Milarepa meditated in this cave for several years and gained enlightenment.

Go on a Yak Ride:

Yak rides are a popular activity in the Mansarovar region. You can ride on the back of a yak and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Attend a Puja Ceremony:

Puja ceremonies are religious rituals that are performed to honor the deities and seek their blessings. You can attend a puja ceremony at one of the many temples in the area and witness the traditional rituals and customs.

Explore the Nandi Parbat:

The Nandi Parbat is a mountain located near the Mansarovar region and is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva. You can go for a trek to the top of the mountain and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Visit the Rakshas Tal:

The Rakshas Tal is a lake located near the Mansarovar region and is believed to be the dwelling place of the demon king Ravana. The lake is surrounded by scenic beauty and is a popular spot for camping and picnicking.

Best Itinerary For Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Here's a general itinerary for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour through Nepal.

Via HIlsa Border Flight:

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu

Day 02: Kathmandu city tour and trip preparation

Day 03: Fly to Nepalgunj

Day 04: Fly to Simikot and Heli to Hilsa, then drive to Taklakot

Day 05: Acclimatisation and rest day in Taklakot

Day 06: Drive to Manasarovar and holy dip

Day 07: Acclimatisation and rest day in Manasarovar

Day 08: Drive to Yam Dwar and trek to Diraphuk

Day 09: Trek to Zuthulphuk via Dolma La Pass

Day 10: Trek to Darchen and drive to Taklakot

Day 11: Drive to Hilsa, fly to Simikot and Nepalgunj, then to Kathmandu

Day 12: Departure from Kathmandu

Via Kerung Drive:

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu

Day 02: Kathmandu city tour and trip preparation

Day 03: Drive to Syabrubesi or Kerung

Day 04: Acclimatisation and rest day in Syabrubesi or Kerung

Day 05: Drive to Saga

Day 06: Drive to Manasarovar and holy dip

Day 07: Acclimatisation and rest day in Manasarovar

Day 08: Drive to Yam Dwar and trek to Diraphuk

Day 09: Trek to Zuthulphuk via Dolma La Pass

Day 10: Trek to Darchen and drive to Saga

Day 11: Drive to Syabrubesi or Kerung

Day 12: Drive to Kathmandu

Day 13: Departure from Kathmandu

Please note that sometimes this itinerary is subject to change based on various factors such as local weather conditions, road conditions, and permit availability. 

If you are looking for a customized tour of Mount Kailash Mansarovar contact us at Bold Himalaya for a tailormade Mount Kailash Mansarovar  Tour +977-9849615880 (WhatsApp, Viber, line) or Email: boldhimalaya@gmail.com

Tour Tips and Advice for Mount Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Here are some tips and advice to make your Kailash Mansarovar tour comfortable and enjoyable:

Prepare Yourself Mentally and Physically:

The Kailash Mansarovar Yatra involves trekking at high altitudes, so you need to be physically and mentally prepared. Start exercising regularly and include cardio and strength training exercises in your routine. Also, consult your doctor for any health concerns and take their advice.

Choose the Best Tour Operator:

Bold Himalaya is a reliable and experienced tour operator that has been conducting the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra for several years. Research thoroughly and read reviews of other travelers to make an informed decision.

Pack Wisely:

Pack light and carry only the essentials. Keep warm clothes, rain gear, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and a first aid kit. Do not forget to carry your travel documents, permits, and ID proofs.

Respect Local Rules, Customs, and Traditions:

Respect the local customs and traditions and dress modestly. Do not take photographs or touch anything without permission. Also, be mindful of the environment and do not litter.

Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration can cause altitude sickness and other health issues.

Be Prepared for the Weather:

The weather at high altitudes can be unpredictable, so be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions. Carry warm clothes, rain gear, and sunscreen.

Stay Connected:

Stay connected with your family and friends through the phone or the Internet. Carry a power bank, as charging facilities may not be available at all locations.

Be Patient and Calm: 

Be patient and calm during the journey. It is a spiritual pilgrimage, and you may face challenges and difficulties. Stay positive and keep your faith.

Enjoy the Journey: 

Finally, enjoy the journey and embrace the spiritual energy of Kailash Mansarovar. Take in beautiful surroundings, meet new people, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Kailash Mansarovar Tour FAQs

How long is the Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

The duration of the Kailash Mansarovar Tour varies depending on the route and the tour operator. Typically, the tour lasts for 14 to 19 days.

What is the best time to go for Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

The best time to go for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour is from May to September when the weather is pleasant and the roads are open.

What is the altitude of Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar?

Mount Kailash is at an altitude of 6,638 meters (21,778 feet), and Lake Mansarovar is at an altitude of 4,590 meters (15,060 feet).

Is it necessary to be physically fit for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

Yes, it is necessary to be physically fit for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour, as it involves trekking at high altitudes. Consult your doctor before planning the tour.

Do I need a visa for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

Yes, you need a visa to visit Tibet. Travelers can obtain a visa through a tour operator. Is it safe to go for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour? Yes, it is safe to go for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour if you follow the itinerary provided by the tour operator and take the necessary precautions.

Can I travel to Kailash Mansarovar independently?

No, traveling to Kailash Mansarovar independently is not allowed. You need to book the tour through a registered tour operator.

What should I pack for the Kailash Mansarovar Tour?

You should pack warm clothes, rain gear, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, a first aid kit, travel documents, permits, and ID proofs. Pack light and carry only the essentials.